Both in its normal version as 'light' or 'zero', this soft drink has side effects that we should all know
There is no one who today thinks that soft drinks are safe for human consumption. Both in their sugary and ' light ' versions, these drinks have side effects that more scientific research reveals every day.
Still, we continue to consume these types of snacks. Some of the best sellers in Spain are from the Coca-Cola brand, a company that has increased sales in our country of its low-calorie versions by 37% in the last two years. But does it mean that it is 'light' that it is less harmful to health? No: both options are bad for human consumption for different reasons. We will tell you.
What Coca-Cola does to your body (minute by minute)
Let's start with the classic version, the sugary one. A single can contain ten teaspoons of sugar. Let's see what happens in our body, chronologically, as soon as we drink it:
In the first 10 minutes
Sugar seeps into the bloodstream. A single can of Coca-Cola (330 ml) contains 35 grams of sugar, ten grams more than the daily consumption recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola prevents us from vomiting after drinking it
If we suddenly took all the amount of sugar contained in a single can of Coca-Cola we would end up vomiting, but the phosphoric acid found in this drink "disguises the taste, which prevents vomiting," detail pharmacists from the specialized blog ' Renegade Pharmacist '.
At 20 minutes
The peaks of sugar in the blood cause a burst of insulin. The liver responds to this by converting any sugar that may be in your body into fat. That is, the ten teaspoons of sugar and all the carbohydrates that you have consumed that day will be accumulated in your body.
At 40 minutes
Your body has already absorbed all of the caffeine in Coca-Cola. Your pupils have dilated, your blood pressure has risen, and the adenosine receptors in your brain are blocked to prevent drowsiness.
Within 45 minutes of drinking Coca-Cola, your body begins to produce dopamine at an alarming rate, just like heroin does.
Within 45 minutes of drinking the soda, your body begins to produce dopamine in an alarming way, stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. Be careful, this is just the procedure that heroin does in the body.
60 minutes after drinking Coca-Cola
Phosphoric acid binds to calcium, magnesium, and zinc in the large intestine, which will increase urinary calcium excretion. You will go to the bathroom more to urinate and you will add, above all, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, electrolytes and water.
After the first 60 minutes, you will feel tired, irritable and lazy
After the first 60 minutes, you will feel tired, irritable, and lazy. You will want and need to consume more sugar. After you've drunk and digested the soda, you've got rid of valuable nutrients that your body could have used to maintain your vital functions.
The normal thing is that you go for another Coca-Cola, since according to a study by Princeton University, the release of dopamine becomes addictive, making us want more and more.
And the Coca-Cola 'light' or 'zero'?
The sugar-free versions of Coca-Cola are not healthier or less fattening, as they contain artificial sweeteners. A Canadian study, published by the Canadian Medical Association Journal, links frequent consumption of aspartame, stevia, and sucralose with weight gain, heart problems, and diabetes.
Research dictates that choosing these long-term sugar substitutes can lead to weight gain, obesity, metabolic and cardiovascular problems, and diabetes, among other diseases.
Sugar-free versions of Coca-Cola are not healthier or less fattening
This study analyzed the long-term effects of artificial sweetener consumption in a group of 400,000 people, who have been followed and evaluated for a decade. The high time that has been invested in carrying out the sampling gives great validity to the results of the research, because if the monitoring had been shorter, the conclusions would not be so decisive.
"Based on all the research done to date, there is no clear evidence of a benefit from sweeteners, but there is evidence of potential long-term harm," lead study author Meghan Azad told the newspaper. CNN chain, collects 'Infobae'.
This confirms that Coca-Cola zero or light, although it contains little sugar, is not good for health or for the figure.
The best thing, reader, is that you reduce to the maximum the consumption of this type of soft drinks, both of the Coca-Cola brand and of so many others on the market. Your health will thank you, and your waist too.
Keeping your blood sugar levels under control by eating healthy, staying physically active, managing stress, and taking your medications as prescribed is particularly important. A high blood sugar level can be quickly brought down by injecting a rapidly acting insulin. You can ask your doctor about the dosage to be injected to prevent bringing down your blood sugar to dangerously low levels. If you have high blood sugar levels, exercising may help to bring them down. Frequent or persistently high blood sugar levels need medical attention to know the cause for hyperglycemia.